
Showing posts from August, 2019

Understanding the Key Differences Between Sales and Marketing

Sales and marketing are two different parts of a business that work together to help the business grow and make money. Marketing is about letting people know about the company and its products, while sales is about getting those people interested in buying the products. Marketing is a long-term plan to spread awareness about the company, while sales focuses on short-term results and quickly converting prospects into customers. Marketing involves telling stories to build a connection with prospects, while sales brings those stories to life and builds personal relationships with customers. Marketing focuses on the value of a brand and how it is perceived by the public, while sales focuses on individual customer preferences. Marketing uses research to understand customer expectations, while sales tailors solutions to each individual customer. In short, both sales and marketing are important for a business to grow and succeed, and they work together to create opportunities for the sales te

Building A Small Business Vs. Building A Start-Up

The distinction between small businesses and startups is a topic that often generates interesting discussions, as both terms are widely used in the business world. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial, especially for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to know the true nature of their ventures. In this post, we will define both small businesses and startups and highlight the key differences between them. What is a Small Business?   A small business is a privately owned company with fewer employees and less annual revenue than a regular-sized corporation. It could be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. The definition of "small" varies depending on the country and industry and is used to determine eligibility for government support and preferential tax policies. Small businesses can range from retail operations like grocery stores and restaurants to very small-scale manufacturing. Small business owners are focused on profitability

How to Grow Your Side Hustle into a Successful Business.

Most new businesses these days start off as side-hustles. The evolution of the internet has made it very easy to have a side hustle business while still having a full-time job. A side hustle literally means you are still working your full-time job and starting a business on the side which will eventually become large enough to be your new full-time priority. Whether you’re building a business that will allow you to quit your day job and focus on your passion full-time or are just looking to supplement your income, having a side hustle can be a productive and fun way to spend your off-hours and make some money doing what you love. Here are the five essential tips to turn your side-hustle into a successful business. 1. Create a strategic plan Before you can escape your full-time job, you need to have a strategic plan for how your business is going to run once you’re full-time. This strategic plan is high-level only, don’t worry about all the nitty-gritty details yet, that’s f

The New Trends in Music You Not Taking Advantage Of

I always talk about jumping on the trend,and i still see a lot of musicians, trying so hard to go to event, and pay Dj's to play their songs. I talk even more about doing what you love and content, a lot of musicians don't even know their song is content, they just see their song as a tool to get rich.  The worst is that they are thinking so much about what people want to hear failing to understand that their music is their story, forgetting the 'ME' factor is what brings in the uniqueness in music. you all wanna do shit everyone else is doing, trying to be like someone else, the worst is that some of you are so lazy, all you want to is find a manager to do the hard work for you, you looking for who would sponsor you and shit like that, Technology is at its peak there's spotify, iTunes, Boomplay and a tons of websites and application delivering you audiences you could never reach before in a click of a button for as low as $10, and you even still don't have

What Is Branding And Why Is It Important For Your Business?

    Branding, by definition, is a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services. Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you offer that makes you the better choice. Your brand is built to be a true representation of who you are as a business, and how you wish to be perceived. There are many areas that are used to develop a brand including advertising, customer service, promotional merchandise, reputation and logo. All of these elements work together to create one unique and (hopefully) attention-grabbing professional profile. Why Is Branding Important? Branding is absolutely critical to a busine

10 reasons your business Needs a website

Unless you’re a small business owner who is not interested in growing your brand, you need to have a website. These days building a business website or ecommerce store is easier than ever: it doesn’t cost much money, you don’t have to know how to code or design, your online store is not restricted to business hours, and it’s one of the best means of free advertising. Having a small business website isn’t just about selling your goods and services — it’s also about providing something of value to potential customers. With so many low priced online services, there’s really no excuse to keep putting it off. Still not sure how having a website will help you grow your business? Here are ten reasons every business needs a website: 1. Your customers expect it. If this were the only reason on the list, it would be enough. Think about it. Would you trust a business that didn’t have a website? If you don’t have a business website, today’s digital-savvy (and impatient) customers

Best 12 Entrepreneur Quotes Every Business Owner Should Read in 2023

Starting your business is like planting a seed. First, you have to invest your time and money. Then, you must take care of it while expecting nothing in return. But when your startup blossoms, it makes all the patience and hard work worthwhile. However, like seeds, many startups fail to grow -- and many die one-to-three years after launch. While there are many factors leading to the failure of a startup, one of the main reasons is the lack of expert startup advice founders receive. Experience of a seasoned entrepreneur is precious -- and no matter how many theoretical models you study, you simply can’t replace the experience they’ve gained through actually doing the work, failing, and succeeding. Here are 12 pieces of startup advice from seasoned entrepreneurs to help you propel your businesses in the right direction and stay motivated when you need it the most. Want more inspirational, personal development content? Follow Joshua Ken  1. Facebook was not or

10 Marketing Tips That Every Entrepreneur needs in 2023

What does really work in today’s marketing world? This is the question I recently asked some of my marketing friends. Their answers were mind blowing and most importantly, practical! Enjoy! 1. Tell authentic stories that play on people’s emotions The time has come to really get to know your customer. Forget– even if it is just for a minute – what your brand seeks to communicate to the rest of the world. Focus instead on what it is your customer needs or seeks to experience. How can your brand do something that is meaningful, authentic and leaves a lasting impact on the customer? This might mean that the story you should tell, is not directly related to your brand and the product it sells. And that is OK, as long as it remains relevant. 2. Don’t choose two of these three anymore “Fast, Cheap or Good Research”, you should always ask for the three. 3. Think and act mobile - Consumers are spending a significant amount of their day on mobile in mobile apps. This makes it